太子牌日本北海道鹿角靈芝丸双瓶禮盒裝 買1盒 (送 鹿角靈芝丸,60粒 1瓶+花旗參粉 1瓶)

節省 43%
Prince of Peace品號:M-70081-FREE

discounted price $129 regular price $224.90


促銷組合 -
買 1盒鹿角靈芝雙瓶組 (120粒/盒)
送 1瓶鹿角靈芝丸, 60粒 + 1瓶花旗參粉, 1.5安士


靈芝作為一種適應原的藥草,東方人從古代就開始對其研究並使用了。* 靈芝對於全面提高身體素質具有良好的效果。* 相比於普通靈芝,太子牌日本鹿角靈芝是由北海道專業的團隊進行人工栽培而成。北海道得天獨厚的地理環境,其積雪時期的優質原木含有豐富的營養成分。所有太子牌北海道鹿角靈芝一律在嚴格衛生管理的潔淨室中進行種植,純天然,無污染。在培養菇菌床期間,溫度及濕度都進行了嚴密操控,以保證培養出高品質的優質靈芝。




成分: 北海道鹿角靈芝
其他成分: 羥丙基甲基纖維素 (膠囊)

淨重: 2瓶 x 60 粒/瓶, 280 mg/粒 

用法: 成人: 每日2粒 (早晚各1粒, 空腹服用) 或 遵照醫生指示服用

We the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology are trained and doing research on mushrooms. This joint research started three years ago with the objective of cultivating high quality reishi mushrooms. The shape of Ganoderma Lucidums mushrooms change greatly depending on the amount of light it is receiving. Depending on the condition, it can lose its umbrella shape to take the shape of deer horns. The deer horns shape Ganoderma Lucidum is a level above the others in terms of quality and nutritional value. What we have done is taking the best components of both Ganoderma Lucidum, such as β-Glucans and Ganoderic acid, and combining them to produce this hybrid mushroom that has a higher level of saturation in β-Glucans. The result of the recent DNA analysis done on the seed fungus used by this plant are attesting the high quality of these mushrooms. This mushroom and it's cultivation process was developed in a joint research with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. In the vast forest of Hokkaido, there is still a high reserve of oak wood. Our Ganoderma Lucidum is produced from those local oak woods. We are only using high quality oak wood which has been selected depending on their origin and quality. The selected logs are then cut into small portions and put into baskets. A mixture of sawdust and rice bran is then sealed with the cut logs of oak wood to form the medium for the culture. The next process is the steaming process, which is followed by the inoculation process, which is done in a clean room. After the completion of the inoculation, the baskets are inserted in a cultivation room with controlled humidity and temperature. This process of bacterial baked culture takes about two to three months During that period, a strict control and monitoring is done daily in order to prevent any deterioration or degradation of the micro organisms After that period, the baskets are transferred to a vented house, a greenhouse, or in an air conditioned cultivation room. It takes around 1 to 3 weeks for the first version to appear. The harvest is done two months after the burgeoning. The dried Ganoderma Lucidum mushrooms are then produced into capsule.





回答:在已知所有具有健康益處的靈芝中, 黑芝或紫芝等其他靈芝相當普遍,有效成分也較低。* 赤靈芝則被證明具有顯著的增強健康的作用,而鹿角靈芝則是赤靈芝中品質最好的品種。*






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